
Optimizing Symfony & Doctrine using Traits

Since v5.4.0, PHP implements a method of code reuse called Traits. This means all duplicated code, which was not impossible to implement as functions or clas...

Moving Symfony2 from ORM to MongoDB

Installing mongo Skip it if you already have mongo. In case if you don’t, follow these easy steps for installation I’m using mac so in my case it will be bre...

Passing errors from Symfony to AngularJS

All frameworks have error handling: Symfony, Rails, Spring and approach always the same: display all exceptions in development environment, and required mini...

Modals as a service in AngularJS

Modals windows could handle files uploading, user login or any other functionality that you may need in your website(application). Modals are very handy and ...

Code organisation in AngularJS applications

Architecture and code design are two of the most important things of development process. An application with complicated functionality, such as users, conte...

Export Magento orders to ChannelAdvisor

ChannelAdvisors uses SOAP for API. Of cource plain POST requests, CURL, file_get_contents are the nice things, but for me SOAP is a much easier to use. For m...

xCode/iOS compilation from terminal

Bash compilation commands for xCode 4.x+ Three weeks or more was spent with google+bash+xcode to make everything work! It was a hard process to make it work ...